As a young boy growing up in Southern California, I had a happy childhood. According to my dad, I laughed a lot, and was always in motion. On the back of my first grade class picture my mom wrote, “Kirky’s teacher, Mrs. Fensten, told me that the only time he ever stood/sat still ALL YEAR was for this photograph!”
As I recall, throughout grades K-12th, I channeled most of my energy into sports: running, playing basketball, baseball, and football, etc.Fortunately, along the way, I settled down some, became an avid reader (thanks, Mom and teachers) and got into all kinds of music (thanks, Dad and brother).
Jump ahead to high school where, in my senior year, I became involved in the Exploratory Teaching Program. Although only seventeen, I enjoyed assisting one 4th grade teacher and another 8th grade English teacher so much, I entertained the idea of becoming a teacher some day. Eventually, I graduated from CSUN with a B.A. in English and a Standard Teaching Credential for grades K-9.
As my journey continued, I married a wonderful woman, and we raised two precious daughters. Our girls are all grown up, well educated, married, and have adorable children of their own.
I decided to teach elementary school children because I discovered their enthusiasm was contagious! So, I taught kids in grades 4th-6th for thirty years. Throughout my career, I set aside time every day for engaging stories, the writing process, and a song or two. Now, I especially enjoy going into schools/classrooms with my guitar to share my songs and stories with children.
I have been a member of The Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators for several years. HARRIET CAN CARRY IT is my first children’s book (I have written two more which are ready to roll). I enjoy hiking, surfing, playing basketball and tennis. I live in Valencia, CA. with my family and our curious cat, Scruffy.